The Inclusion Service is a multifaceted team who work in partnership with schools and families to help settings build on and develop their capacity to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND.
We work to help schools provide the most effective, enjoyable, stimulating and happiest of learning journeys for children and young people that would otherwise struggle to access the curriculum in school, so that learning gaps are reduced, and their experience of education, and the wider opportunities it offers, are as positive and as rewarding as that of others.
To do this we work to build the confidence and skills amongst the staff working with these children and young people, so they are able to provide and deliver teaching and experiences that meet individual needs, as well as contribute to wider efforts for whole school improvements through universal strategies and targeted interventions.
We want to achieve this by using and sharing the knowledge and understanding we have as specialist teachers, about removing barriers to learning, and by building positive trusting relationships built on a mutual commitment, respect and vision for inclusive culture.
Our team includes:
Inclusion Leads and Specialist Teachers: Our teachers and leads have specialist qualifications and experience of supporting children with cognition and learning difficulties and and social emotional and mental health needs. They support teachers, SENDCos and teaching assistants with advice and strategies to enhance teaching and learning practice.
Their support for schools is closely aligned to a graduated approach and the recommendations of the Entitlement Framework. Training and strategic universal strategies that are also offered by the team enable schools to develop skills and strategies to improve the school experience for our young SEND learners.
SEMH Mentors: Our SEMH mentors are a skilled team with experience of working in partnership with teaching assistants, teachers and SENDCOs to support young people with social emotional and mental health needs. These vulnerable children are often at high risk of exclusion and by working closely together this team help school staff to build the confidence and strategies to maintain successful classroom learning.
Complex Leads: The Complex Leads work in partnership with schools, families and the wider systems to provide support to children and young people identified as having complex SEND.
This includes building capacity, advice on reasonable adjustments and specific work plans for individual children.
SENDCO Leads: Our SENDCo Leads aim to ensure that all SENDCos are supported in providing high quality inclusive practice that meet the needs of children and young people with SEND in their settings. They plan and facilitate the National SENDCo award and co-ordinate termly SENDCo networks to enable collaboration and sharing of good practice among colleagues.
Restorative Lead: Our restorative lead champions restorative practice across Stockport schools. They plan, deliver and model restorative approach training to ensure everybody is up-to-date and supported in delivering restorative practice.
Primary Jigsaw: Primary Jigsaw are not now part of the Inclusion Service, however we continue to work very closely with them for the benefit of schools, students and families. They are a multi-disciplinary team who work to support and improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children attending a mainstream Stockport primary school. Requests for support are made via a school-based referral. The team also offer short term targeted interventions following a thorough assessment.