
Stockport Inclusion Service

Parent's guide to Primary Jigsaw

What to expect after your child has been referred by their school 

Primary Jigsaw offers short term support for mainstream primary school children struggling with their emotional well-being.

Who can refer a child to Primary Jigsaw?

We accept referrals from Primary Schools. Sometimes another professional such as a doctor or a social worker might recommend a referral to Primary Jigsaw, but it is the child’s school that should make the referral and complete this with parents/guardian.

What happens next?

All referrals are assessed by a panel, and if they feel that Primary Jigsaw is the right service to offer support then it will be allocated to a Primary Jigsaw team member. They will then contact the parent or guardian to arrange an initial assessment.

What happens at the initial assessment?

The initial assessment takes place without the child present, to give you the opportunity to talk openly about the difficulties your child has been experiencing. We like to get an overview of your child’s life and this sometimes means asking about some difficult or sensitive things that may have happened. We may also want to speak to other services or agencies that have helped you.

What happens after the initial assessment?

Once we have gathered all of the information we need we will together consider what we think is driving the difficulties your child is experiencing. We will then decide how we can help. We work flexibly to make sure what we do suits your family so we have lots of different options. We might:

  • Give some advice/recommendations to you or to school
  • Work with you to build strategies to target the drivers to the difficulties
  • Work with school to help them to support your child
  • Work directly with your child to help them manage their difficulties
  • Suggest a referral to a different service if we agree this is appropriate.


What happens at the end of the intervention?

We will write a report about the work we have done. Copies will be sent to you and to school. We will check with you before sharing any sensitive information. We will include recommendations that we think will be helpful to your child. In some cases this may include a referral to another service for further assessment or support.
